
Posts Tagged ‘Pretty Girls Rock’

On this last day of the year I am reflecting on all that has happened. I had an AMAZING year! I wouldn’t change a thing…..well maybe one. I started off the year(literally the first day) at a funeral for my uncle but, every time I cook or bake he is right there with me. Thanks Uncle Ed!

 With a rough start, my year began a gradual incline. Every month seemed to bring on a new opportunity and new clients. In February I worked a few shows for Fall Fashion week, in March I was asked to create a workshop for the F.I.T. Pre College program: Passion For Fashion Styling (what an honor) and in April the class began! I also attended a great brunch with some amazing women and made new friendships and business connections. I also had an epiphany for my business/brand and reconnected with my friend and publicist Trina at Style-Root PR (greatness happened).

In May it was work as usual and I celebrated my birthday! In June, I was asked to co-teach the Fashion Styling Confidential class with my colleague Barbara Berman at F.I.T.. It was an amazing 3 days to inspire and nurture future stylists. I also taught my other classes, Introduction to Fashion Styling and Fashion Styling FIT Fundamentals, for the summer sessions.  July was spent hanging out with family and friends while I had some time off because in August I taught again for the Pre College program (Passion for Fashion Styling) , Fashion Styling Intensive, Fashion Styling for ESL, went hard on my PR plan and began exercising! Whew! September went off with a bang! Fashion Week was here! I went to shows, styled a few presentations, attended Fashions Night Out, and was a mentor for an amazing event for Project Butterfly(“Pretty Girls Sweat” with Keri Hilson).

My fourth quarter had an amazing start with new clients and a busy schedule to boot! November was the time of my life as I prepared to go to Liberia, West Africa for 2 weeks and when I returned in December, I was forever changed! I’ll tell you all about that in a separate post now that I’ve come down off my high! LOL!

As I relax here at home on the couch, preparing to ring in the new year, I thank God for the year I have experienced and look forward to what is in store for me, my family and my business/brand in 2012! I look forward to working with my clients and making great fashion. I look forward to inspiring and teaching future Fashion Stylists. I  look forward to nurturing my relationships and meeting new people. I am just excited to be able to look forward!

I thank everyone for their support, I thank all of my Facebook Fans & Friends and twitter followers for taking the time to listen to what I have to say and I hope you had a great year too! I wish you all a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2012!

~Gone Shopping…Be back soon!

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